1.The article suggests that iPod video lectures are effective for '"kinesthetic learners", who tend to be hands-on, active, and require frequent breaks." Do you think that you would learn well using an iPod? Why or why not?
When iPods first came out it swept the world. Everyone wanted one. It took over people’s lives, since mostly everyone wanted one and that was all that was on their minds. iPods took over the market, then our lives, and now our education.
After reading the article about York University, I thought deeply about this concept. Being a Mary Ward student, I believe having the lectures on a video iPod is not toono different from what the program is at Mary Ward. Mary Ward is a self – directed school. You learn to become more independent since you teach yourself, and if you need the extra help from your teacher it is available to you, you have the freedom to make your own choices and be assertive, putting your education in your own hands. It is great for people that are hands on, active, and would like to have breaks here and there.
iPod video’s are one form of modern day technology, and with modern day technology comes its advantages and disadvantages. Modern - day technology doesn't only have a positive impact on the world, or just a negative impact, technology all around us has a good and bad side to it.
Personally, iPod videos’ for education putting your lectures on a device can be a great advantage to people who are already adapted to something similar to the Mary Ward system. The person is able to use their time wisely, work hard on what has to be done, and have great management skills. Being a Mary Ward student has taught be to be that type of person, coming to Mary Ward in Grade 9 from elementary, the different environment and system was hard to get use to, however I managed. Imagen someone that isn’t use to that whole new system, where everything is given to you and is guiding you the whole way, it would be hard.
If I were to ask myself if having my lectures on a iPod video is something for me? I would say yes, being in Mary Ward I’m use to working on my own, not constantly needing a teacher by my side. It always gives me the advantage of listening to the lectures that I need. In Mary Ward, we have scheduled lectures/seminars, honestly I don’t go to all of them because I believe I do not need them, but then again there are certain lectures/seminars I need for certain course, but I just do not have the time to go to them. I can use the iPod video for this problem. Where ever I am I can listen in and see the lecture on my iPod video, it is a great advantage for people on the go.
Even though having your lectures on a iPod video is a great idea, it has it’s disadvantages too. A person that may not be all used to the whole self-discipline system, but understand the importance of getting your work done, they may not have the skills to mange their time so that they are being more productive and not just procrastinating leaving it off to the last minute.
Beign a Mary Ward student in Grade 10 already adpeted to the new system, chosing where I want to go, what classes/course I’d like to work on, when I need and have to see my teachers, when I want to hand in my work. The majority if Mary Ward students are currently doing this today. I believe my transfer from high school to university, would be a smooth one because since all that is being done in university is already being done in Mary Ward, the whole system and how things are done. However for instance, a non – Mary Ward student goes from high school to university not already adpeted to the new system, I believe their transfer from high school to university would be harder on them. They're not used to the system and they have too much freedom on their hands. So I believe, iPod videos are only for certain people, I’m not saying its only for Mary Ward students, but for people that are always on the go, that have a lot of things to do in a day. However, I think having your lectures on a iPod video is only effective if that person is being more productive then just using it because their lazy and would be procrastinating.
2. An advocate for "v-casting" through the iPod says that: more interactive and more self-directed." Do you think that Mary Ward, with its commitment to self-directed learning, should embrace such technology for education? What are some advantages or disadvantages?
Specking from experience, being a Mary Ward student, I know how hard it was in my first year at Mary Ward. It was hard getting use to the new system, I felt like everything was coming at me hard, all theses course with loads of work, and I didn’t know what to do about it. I was already somewhat use to managing my own time, and knew how important doing my school work was. However it still was not enough. A few months in the year I got use to it, learned how to mange my time better, learn to ask questions and see my teacher on a daily bases. However it was still very hard, and if the whole concept of having an iPod to watch my lectures on , instead of going to the lectures, where there is a teacher, I believe I wouldn’t have the same connection I do now with my teachers, I would be seeing less of them , and I would think I would be a bit intimidated to go up to them to ask questions. If Mary Ward where to use iPod video’s for lectures, I believe there should be a restriction, it should only be for the seniors, and maybe for grade 10’s too. Being in grade 10 I know some people that are use to the system, but just do not have that commitment that a senior would have. The seniors I would think would have the contentment, and already adapted fully to the new system that no other high school has.
This idea is great for people that have a lot of things to do in different courses that can only do so much in a day, to a point where they do not have the time to go to certain lectures, or missed them. This concept is also great for people on the go. However it also has its disadvantages, the teacher-student contact would not be the same, ther would be a lack of confidence or trust in the teacher.